Cookies Policy

This policy delineates the protocols of ("Fusion Wealth AI", "Website Publisher", "Us", "We") concerning the deployment of cookies on the website at (the "Website").

As you explore our Website, cookies may be placed on your device (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone). These cookies store details pertinent to your interactions with our Website, including pages viewed, your IP address, and the timing of your visits, all of which we can retrieve on your subsequent visits.

1. Understanding Cookies

Cookies are tiny text files that hold a limited amount of data about your device when you visit a website. When you return, these cookies are sent back to the originating website or another website that recognizes them, enabling the site to identify your device.

They are essential for several functionalities such as facilitating seamless page transitions, remembering your settings, enhancing your website experience, and delivering personalized advertisements.

For comprehensive details on how we manage your personal information, please refer to Fusion Wealth AI's Data Privacy Notice.

2. The Roles of Different Cookies

Various types of cookies may be used on your device:

Type of Cookie Function
Essential Cookies

These cookies are vital for navigating the Website and accessing its functionalities as intended. They facilitate the provision of our content, products, and services.

They help your device efficiently load and display content, ensuring smooth navigation, utilization of Website features, and the ability to return to previously visited pages.

These cookies may store personal details like your username and most recent login, keeping you authenticated on the Website.

They are eliminated once your web browser is closed (session cookies).

Functional Cookies

These cookies recognize you when you return to the Website and allow us to remember your preferences and settings.

They remain after your browser is closed, with specific expiration times set.

Performance Cookies

Employed to collect aggregated data about Website performance, these cookies aid in testing and enhancing its operations to boost user experience and support analytical activities on the Website.

They gather information in an anonymized format, unlinked to any identifiable person.

The lifespan of these cookies varies; some are deleted upon browser closure, while others may persist indefinitely.

A comprehensive list of the cookies used on our Website can be found at

3. Sources of Cookies on Your Device

Cookies may originate from the Website itself ("first-party cookies") or from third-party services and advertisers on the Website ("third-party cookies").

4. Managing Your Cookie Preferences

Some cookies, particularly those essential for the Website's operation, do not require your consent. For non-essential cookies, we seek your consent through a cookie management tool during your first visit, where you can set your preferences. This tool allows you to modify your preferences at any time, including the option to disable cookies, accessible at

You can also limit or block cookies by altering your browser settings, which allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies.

If you decide to disable specific or all cookies, you may experience:

Be aware that disabling cookies in your browser does not remove existing cookies. For deletion, specific actions within your browser settings are required.

To adjust cookie settings, visit the "Options" or "Preferences" menu of your browser. For further assistance, the "Help" section of your browser may provide more information.

For direct instructions on configuring cookie settings for various browsers, please refer to the following links:

5. Updates to the Cookies Policy

We may periodically update this Cookies Policy to reflect modifications in our cookie utilization practices. Any such updates will be communicated, including their effective dates.

6. Get In Touch

For inquiries or additional information about our cookie practices, please contact [email protected].

Last updated: 01.11.2023